Zero to Traction
Zero to Traction
You're invited to the Startup Challenge!

You're invited to the Startup Challenge!

Cameron and JDM have dropped a few mentions over the last few weeks to an upcoming event called the Startup Challenge. JDM wanted to take 5 minutes to tell you about it.

Cameron and JDM have dropped a few mentions over the last few weeks to an upcoming event called the Startup Challenge, a weekend-long competition where participants learn startups by doing startups. JDM wanted to take 5 minutes to tell you about it.

Learn more & register→

We’ll be back in your feed later this week for our regularly scheduled episode.

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Zero to Traction
Zero to Traction
Startups are hard AF, risking your time, money, and reputation — and yet you’ve heard the call. You’re in. Now what?
In the Zero to Traction podcast, we tackle the major challenges faced by first-time founders building scalable startups.
Each episode provides tools, tips, stories, and mindset shifts to empower founders to overcome these obstacles to create companies that scale.