Zero to Traction
Zero to Traction
The "your pitch is stories all the way down" edition

The "your pitch is stories all the way down" edition

JDM and Cameron are unpacking the art of storytelling in startup pitches, and it's not nearly as simple as you think!

Discover why knowing your audience and intent is crucial, and explore different storytelling techniques — from customer personas to traction milestones — that can make your pitch compelling.

Whether you're navigating your first funding round or simply curious about startup narratives, we’re dropping the truth on why stories matter — and how to leverage them in your own pitch.

Plus, frivolity!

  • Cameron shares interesting trivia from the Freedom Trail

  • JDM digs into some troubling news from a local aquarium.

Zero to Traction is a podcast about how first-time founders create companies that scale, hosted by JDM and Cameron Law.

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Zero to Traction
Zero to Traction
Startups are hard AF, risking your time, money, and reputation — and yet you’ve heard the call. You’re in. Now what?
In the Zero to Traction podcast, we tackle the major challenges faced by first-time founders building scalable startups.
Each episode provides tools, tips, stories, and mindset shifts to empower founders to overcome these obstacles to create companies that scale.